Memorial for Marion DeGrazia, DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun – Tucson, AZ
©2025 John Wanserski for Creative Juice LLC
Ettore DeGrazia (Wikipedia entry)
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun, attraction guide
Weather forecast for Tucson, AZ vicinity
Blog entries for the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Historic District (Wikipedia entry)
Cemetery, King Veterans Home – King, Wisconsin
©2019 John Wanserski for Creative Juice LLC
Honoring the fallen who have served us with their courage. Peace to all my brothers and sisters who made the sacrifice to keep us free.
Wisconsin Veterans Home at King
Map of King Veterans Home (PDF file)
Map of Walking Tour of King (PDF file)
The High Ground Veterans Memorial, Neillsville, WI
Weather forecast for King, Wisconsin vicinity
Blog entries for Wisconsin Veterans Home
Kaleidoscope Image of the Globe, Dedicated to World War II Veterans, The Highground – Neillsville, Wisconsin
©2018 John Wanserski for Creative Juice LLC
©2011 John Wanserski for Creative Juice LLCDedicated to my uncle who was shot down while flying missions over Germany. He spent a few months as a POW just before the war ended. He passed away last year at 94. Dedicated also to his 4 brothers (my father included) who all served during WWII. Also, peace to all my siblings and friends (especially Steve who made the Highground possible) who served during the Vietnam Era. We all had and have a role in protecting freedom.
The city of Neillsville, Wisconsin
Weather forecast for the Highground vicinity
Blog entries for the Highground
Veteran at the Liberty Bell, The Highground – Neillsville, Wisconsin
©2015 John Wanserski for Creative Juice LLCDedicated to my uncle who was shot down while flying missions over Germany during WWII. He spent a couple of months as a POW just before the war ended. He is 92 and still walks 2 miles a day. Also in remembrance of Gerry Hanson, Ike Killmeier, Bob Boos, The Wanserski brothers and all our loved ones who served to protect ALL of us.
The city of Neillsville, Wisconsin
Weather forecast for the Highground vicinity
Blog entries for the Highground
The Globe, Dedicated to World War II Veterans, The Highground – Neillsville, Wisconsin
©2011 John Wanserski for Creative Juice LLCDedicated to my uncle who was shot down while flying missions over Germany. He spent a couple of months as a POW just before the war ended. He is 89 and still walks 3 miles a day.
The city of Neillsville, Wisconsin
Weather forecast for the Highground vicinity
Blog entries for the Highground
National Memorial Arch, Valley Forge National Historical Park – Pennsylvania